Wednesday, February 18, 2009


回来了。。。 幸好回的来。。。真是被那个ABNN 吓到。。。

回来的flight半途,ABNN 跟空姐有一点argument,不知道吵什么。。。突然好几位相当魁梧的ang mo 站了出来 (i tink 他们是those flight security)。。。他们讲了一下,可是ABNN 还是很激动。。。ang mo den 把他带到空姐的休息室,还被铐住。。。有位空姐还开luggage compartments 来check。。。

有人去跟空姐要refreshment (so happen 2 b talking rite nx 2 our seats),空姐叫每个人坐下因为有事发生。。。当时我还真的很怕飞机上有炸弹。。。and den, i rememb, tt ABNN was b4 me in e toilet, & e soap dispenser was missing!!! soap can b used 2 make bomb loh...(paranoid thinkings all flooding ard)。。。

but in e end, after ABNN being cuffed oredi,things sort o went bk 2 normal。。。

when we landed, captain announced that security comin onboard, so every1 cannot stand up, must sit & wait。。。security look look c c, den went 2 talk 2 e ABNN & his friend (another ABNN)。。。ard 5mins, den every1 can get their luggage & left e plane..ABNN & friend still onboard being questioned when we left, heard them say they flying to London den 2 Manchester...

下了飞机后,看到挺多security & plain clothes police i tink waiting at our gate there...

heng 没有事发生,不过真的体会到 e threat o terrorism is very very very real...can really happen anytime, any place...


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