Friday, October 03, 2008

say it b4 it's 2 late...

quoted fr jan:

"if i had to make any decisions when no one else seems capable of that act, I expect consistency in following through that decision i've made. If you did not have an opinion in the decision making process, stay that way after the decision has beeen made. if you have an opinion, for everyone's sanity's sake, voice it so that you don't thwart others' plan after the decision has been made."

tt's e same sentiments tt i really 1 2 shout out 2 esp my colics!!!!

shut e hell up if u dun 1 2 make e decision!!!!if i've made e decision pls juz follow...if u've a damned opinion, pls voice it out..dun say it after e decision has been made!!!!

(p.s. same goes 2 XXX)

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