Monday, September 15, 2008

shut e hell up

How do I tactfully tell my colic tt she is talking “a little” 2 loud??? Argh….

Supposedly she cant concentrate in doing her report at her own work-station…so she moved to the conference room, where it has oredi been occupied by another colic (cos e air-con is not cold enough at his work-station; which is due partly to me cos we share e air-con, but it really is 2 damned cold 4 me, I’m wearing a sweater & 1 shawl, so he moved inside the conference room which has an independent air-con which he can adjust to 14degrees…)

Anyway, she obviously can tink beta & can concentrate beta on writing e report by talking 2 tt guy colic all e time….& super loudly….

& she apparently has more energy & zest esp when e other guy colics come over during lunch 2 watch DVDs….her so “act cute” voice is damned irritating & high-pitched!!! (btw, she is e 1 who cause a mini-wave e other time by dating e nx door NS guy; tt in itself makes 4 another blog post…haha)

anyway, damned irritating of her!!! Plus she has been busy watching DVDs inside e conference room all these time…How shld I tactfully ask her 2 shut e hell up???

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