our reefwalk on sat didnt really worked out...swing had 2 work last min...so in e end, we rc labrador @ 7+...when we went down, we had barely 10mins 2 look ard as e gate was gg 2 b closed... (note: it's open fr 9am-8pm)...only saw 2 worms in e water...e tide was oredi coming in & e water was quite mucky....
btw, there's bus 408 tt goes 2 labrador & 409 tt goes up mt faber (but operates only on wkends)....so nx time can easily go...
i've booked 2 places 2 go semakau on 12 apr...not cheap...$53.50 per pax...but i've yet 2 send in e cheque...hope i dun 4get, otherwise no reefwalking again...
fr tis blog, can c quite a lot o nudis...sme i haven even seen b4 while diving....hopefully e weather is gd...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
disney castle in bkk...

saw tis on my friend's facebook...so nice..it's in bkk leh...quoted fr his fb:"it used to be a theme park in Chatuchak, like Disneyland but later moved, left only the castle."
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A miilion beer bottles later and its a buddhist temple!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
i said ok....
i didnt really anticipated it....we talked abt it but i never really tot it wld b so soon....
after a pretty tiring day diving (4 dives including a nite dive)...i was tinkin o having a quick dinner & resting after tt....
but when i rc e dining area, i was pleasantly ushered 2 e deck 4 a romantic candlelight dinner overlooking e wori bay...
there were quite a lot o guests compared 2 e last few days...& e 1st thing i told HN was, dun do anything in front o every1 k!! cos i knew he was planning sth fr e way he was looking....
he did not attempt 2 do anything while we were eating (or else i might 've indigestion i guesss)...e manager came rd 2 chat...nth happened...
our desserts came...most o e guests had gone bk 2 rest (cos diving was pretty early)...HN looked at me in a really funny way...like he's got sth stuck inside him...shy & happy & awkward lookin all mixed up expression....
suddenly he took out fr his bermuda's pocket, his kit kat pouch...
"dear, i got sth 4 u..."
unzipped his pouch (fumbling wif e zip slightly)...a box...
i dun really rememb if he kneeled down immediately or if he presented e ring 2 me 1st den he kneeled...my head was buzzing...& i was really quite tired fr e dives...i tink he gave me e box but 4got 2 kneel...after i asked him den he kneeled...
i really didnt know wat 2 say....
"dear dear, will u marry me?"
still i had absolutely nth gg thro my head...it was blank....& it was really juz buzzing....
"dear, get up la...every1 looking..."
"u haven answer me, how 2 get up?"
"if i dun answer, den u dun nd 2 get up ah?"
"yeah..i'll juz kneel here until u reply.."
"so i kneel here ah??"
"sit on e chair la.."
"so u gg 2 marry me??"
finally i nodded my head....
even though my head was still buzzing...i know i made a rite choice...=)
after a pretty tiring day diving (4 dives including a nite dive)...i was tinkin o having a quick dinner & resting after tt....
but when i rc e dining area, i was pleasantly ushered 2 e deck 4 a romantic candlelight dinner overlooking e wori bay...
there were quite a lot o guests compared 2 e last few days...& e 1st thing i told HN was, dun do anything in front o every1 k!! cos i knew he was planning sth fr e way he was looking....
he did not attempt 2 do anything while we were eating (or else i might 've indigestion i guesss)...e manager came rd 2 chat...nth happened...
our desserts came...most o e guests had gone bk 2 rest (cos diving was pretty early)...HN looked at me in a really funny way...like he's got sth stuck inside him...shy & happy & awkward lookin all mixed up expression....
suddenly he took out fr his bermuda's pocket, his kit kat pouch...
"dear, i got sth 4 u..."
unzipped his pouch (fumbling wif e zip slightly)...a box...
i dun really rememb if he kneeled down immediately or if he presented e ring 2 me 1st den he kneeled...my head was buzzing...& i was really quite tired fr e dives...i tink he gave me e box but 4got 2 kneel...after i asked him den he kneeled...
i really didnt know wat 2 say....
"dear dear, will u marry me?"
still i had absolutely nth gg thro my head...it was blank....& it was really juz buzzing....
"dear, get up la...every1 looking..."
"u haven answer me, how 2 get up?"
"if i dun answer, den u dun nd 2 get up ah?"
"yeah..i'll juz kneel here until u reply.."
"so i kneel here ah??"
"sit on e chair la.."
"so u gg 2 marry me??"
finally i nodded my head....
even though my head was still buzzing...i know i made a rite choice...=)
gd 4 diving...
've been consistently gaining fat ard my belly...haizz...looks super ugly, & pple kp giving me e "r u pregnant" look...haizzz....
damned...ever since i stop rockclimbing, e belly's getting bigger & bigger... i never really realize tt rockclimbing can get rid o e belly fats...i tink i shld go bk 2 climbing again!!!
swing...let's go 2 climber's lab!!!
damned...ever since i stop rockclimbing, e belly's getting bigger & bigger... i never really realize tt rockclimbing can get rid o e belly fats...i tink i shld go bk 2 climbing again!!!
swing...let's go 2 climber's lab!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
tide time 28 & 29 Mar
Date Time Height
28/03 0607 0.5 L
28/03 1216 2.9 H
28/03 1833 0.7 L
29/03 0015 2.9 H
29/03 0641 0.3 L
29/03 1258 2.8 H
29/03 1905 0.9 L
28/03 0607 0.5 L
28/03 1216 2.9 H
28/03 1833 0.7 L
29/03 0015 2.9 H
29/03 0641 0.3 L
29/03 1258 2.8 H
29/03 1905 0.9 L
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Win an all expenses paid trip to Manado
For those interested in U/W photography. Please write in no more than 300 words: what you want from the experience, how comfortable you are in the water, how much experience you have with cameras, where you work, what else you do other than diving, and whether you are open to instruction. deadline is 30 April.
E-mail :editor@scubadiveraa.com
This event is organized by SDAA together with William Tan and La Rasscasse resort in Manado. Winning entry will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Manado from 26 May - 1 Jun for a one-to-one photography workshop with William Tan using the Canon 450D DSLR.
E-mail :editor@scubadiveraa.com
This event is organized by SDAA together with William Tan and La Rasscasse resort in Manado. Winning entry will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Manado from 26 May - 1 Jun for a one-to-one photography workshop with William Tan using the Canon 450D DSLR.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
TTM club meeting....
ladies o e ttm club...
i've sme news w i 1 2 share wif all o u...
pls let me know when u all free, we can meet on oovoo...
i've sme news w i 1 2 share wif all o u...
pls let me know when u all free, we can meet on oovoo...
always look on e bright side o life..da dum da dum da dum da dum...

Came across tis while clearing my mailbox...yes i still kp emails tt were so long ago..haha...tis pic was sent by nee on new year's day on 2004...after e 4 o us (swing, tcc, nee & me) had a crying session under tt bridge near e esplanade there...haha..
nee u gave v touching advice leh...haha..=)
yes, let's all look on e bright side o life....
Suggestions/Comments: Photos for competition..
Monday, March 16, 2009
back to reality...
Friday, March 13, 2009
yet another eventful flight bk...
Following e qantas eventful flight bk 2 spore…e flight bk fr manado was yet another unforgettable trip…
Heng tis time there was no terrorist…e flight was kana cancelled cos 1 o e pipe 4 e hydralics had burst….
I chk-in on 11 Mar morn via e internet…there was no indication tt there was gg 2 b a delay in e flight…we rc e airport ard 1215 (flight departure was supposed 2 b 1345)….during chk-in den we saw e notice pasted on e counter…flight delayed 2 1455, we cld ‘ve done more shopping if we knew it was gg 2 b delayed…haizz…no choice loh…juz wait…heng we had KFC b4 we came…
1355, we went 2 e immigration, e boarding time was supposed 2 b 1355…e gate wasn’t open 4 boarding…so we waited…
ard 1415, there was an announcement tt e silkair flight had landed….but there was no sight/sign o e plane….no passengers coming out….hmmmm….
way past e supposed departure time, there was still no sight o e plane….finally ard 1515, e silkair plane was finally towed 2 e gate…e passengers finally got off e plane….
It was way way past e departure time but still no news….den e announcement came tt e flight was gonna b delayed, & there were refreshments (bread & drinks)….but still no news on wat was happening….
& so we waited….
Finally ard 1600, e manager o Silkair, came wif a loudhailer…he said tt e pilot had discovered a leak in e hydraulic system, & there was a nd 2 chk wif e engineer…he said tt e pilot said it was a small problem, but e engineer’s advice was needed…there wld b a possibility tt e plane might b grounded…& he said he wld b bk in an hr’s time 2 update us…
KFC (again!!!argh!!!) was given out….wait wait wait wait wait….
Finally e manger came bk after 1 hr or so…e plane grounded!!! There was no flight, & they had 2 deliver e parts fr spore, so hopefully e nx morn 0630 shld b able 2 fly…
Arrangements were made 2 retrieve e luggages, & transport 2 e hotel…
When we were on our way 2 e hotel, suddenly e coach broke down!!!in e middle o e road!!! Jammed up e whole road!!! Wah lau….heng after ard 10-15mins…e coach finally revived!!! By e time we rc e hotel, oredi 1830…dinner was provided @ 1930…so we went 2 e rm 2 shower, had 2 dig thro’ all my clothes 2 find 1 tt didn’t smell…heng I separated all e smelly (diving) clothes…otherwise I wld ‘ve nth 2 wear!!! & also heng tt, tt morn we went shopping, & I got extra t-shirt, HN also…
E flight was cfm 2 b 0630 e nx morn, & we had 2 leave e hotel by 0500…so 0330 had 2 get up, shower & ‘ve bfast…..
It was pouring in e morn when we got up….e coach was not big enough 2 carry every1 + e luggages… & it took them quite sme time 2 finally get every1 on e road…
By e time we rc e airport, it was ard 0600 (heng e traffic early in e morn was super light, otherwise I tink 0700 we also dunno can rc or not…)…
When we got 2 e airport, there was a lot o pple…a lot o locals catching domestic flight I tink…& we had 2 squeeze in wif all e pple!!!! So stupid!!!! We were all late oredi…still nd 2 squeeze… _ _
Finally got thro, den we nd 2 chk-in again!!!! & it took another hr or so….by e time we went thro’ everything, & every1 was onboard, it was nearly 0730….
Finally e plane was gg 2 e taxi way!!!! FINALLY I tot!!
But waited 4 sme time, no movement, den e captain came on…there was supposedly sme technical fault again, & we needed 2 go bk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah lau…………….
We learnt fr e air-stewardess tt e engineer & pilot nd 2 configure e aircraft, & there was sme signature issues 2 settle b4 we can fly…so again, we were dished out bread/crossiants while we waited….haiz…..
Finally finally finally, e captain came on again & said tt everything was settled & we were finally able 2 fly bk…by tt time it was 0830 or mayb near 2 0900?? We finally took off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally we rc spore at ard 1130….we got off but there was no1 2 tell us wat we needed, & I was damned hungry!!! So I decided 2 juz call silkair later instead, so we went 4 our lunch…
But tis morn, when I called silkair, I learnt tt I nded 2 go down 2 their sales office in keypoint 2 get e documentation tt e flight was delayed…wah lau…& their opening hrs only on wkdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked if they cld email or send it via snail mail or anything, but apparently it was not possible, & I had 2 go down personally 2 collect!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah lau….i really 1ed 2 ask e ABNN 2 F*** off….so damned pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I wrote a super long complaint letter on their feedback & enquiries page…hopefully they’ll get bk 2 me soon…otherwise I’m gg send in 2 e newspapers 2 tell e whole world abt e super poor service….;p
Heng tis time there was no terrorist…e flight was kana cancelled cos 1 o e pipe 4 e hydralics had burst….
I chk-in on 11 Mar morn via e internet…there was no indication tt there was gg 2 b a delay in e flight…we rc e airport ard 1215 (flight departure was supposed 2 b 1345)….during chk-in den we saw e notice pasted on e counter…flight delayed 2 1455, we cld ‘ve done more shopping if we knew it was gg 2 b delayed…haizz…no choice loh…juz wait…heng we had KFC b4 we came…
1355, we went 2 e immigration, e boarding time was supposed 2 b 1355…e gate wasn’t open 4 boarding…so we waited…
ard 1415, there was an announcement tt e silkair flight had landed….but there was no sight/sign o e plane….no passengers coming out….hmmmm….
way past e supposed departure time, there was still no sight o e plane….finally ard 1515, e silkair plane was finally towed 2 e gate…e passengers finally got off e plane….
It was way way past e departure time but still no news….den e announcement came tt e flight was gonna b delayed, & there were refreshments (bread & drinks)….but still no news on wat was happening….
& so we waited….
Finally ard 1600, e manager o Silkair, came wif a loudhailer…he said tt e pilot had discovered a leak in e hydraulic system, & there was a nd 2 chk wif e engineer…he said tt e pilot said it was a small problem, but e engineer’s advice was needed…there wld b a possibility tt e plane might b grounded…& he said he wld b bk in an hr’s time 2 update us…
KFC (again!!!argh!!!) was given out….wait wait wait wait wait….
Finally e manger came bk after 1 hr or so…e plane grounded!!! There was no flight, & they had 2 deliver e parts fr spore, so hopefully e nx morn 0630 shld b able 2 fly…
Arrangements were made 2 retrieve e luggages, & transport 2 e hotel…
When we were on our way 2 e hotel, suddenly e coach broke down!!!in e middle o e road!!! Jammed up e whole road!!! Wah lau….heng after ard 10-15mins…e coach finally revived!!! By e time we rc e hotel, oredi 1830…dinner was provided @ 1930…so we went 2 e rm 2 shower, had 2 dig thro’ all my clothes 2 find 1 tt didn’t smell…heng I separated all e smelly (diving) clothes…otherwise I wld ‘ve nth 2 wear!!! & also heng tt, tt morn we went shopping, & I got extra t-shirt, HN also…
E flight was cfm 2 b 0630 e nx morn, & we had 2 leave e hotel by 0500…so 0330 had 2 get up, shower & ‘ve bfast…..
It was pouring in e morn when we got up….e coach was not big enough 2 carry every1 + e luggages… & it took them quite sme time 2 finally get every1 on e road…
By e time we rc e airport, it was ard 0600 (heng e traffic early in e morn was super light, otherwise I tink 0700 we also dunno can rc or not…)…
When we got 2 e airport, there was a lot o pple…a lot o locals catching domestic flight I tink…& we had 2 squeeze in wif all e pple!!!! So stupid!!!! We were all late oredi…still nd 2 squeeze… _ _
Finally got thro, den we nd 2 chk-in again!!!! & it took another hr or so….by e time we went thro’ everything, & every1 was onboard, it was nearly 0730….
Finally e plane was gg 2 e taxi way!!!! FINALLY I tot!!
But waited 4 sme time, no movement, den e captain came on…there was supposedly sme technical fault again, & we needed 2 go bk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah lau…………….
We learnt fr e air-stewardess tt e engineer & pilot nd 2 configure e aircraft, & there was sme signature issues 2 settle b4 we can fly…so again, we were dished out bread/crossiants while we waited….haiz…..
Finally finally finally, e captain came on again & said tt everything was settled & we were finally able 2 fly bk…by tt time it was 0830 or mayb near 2 0900?? We finally took off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally we rc spore at ard 1130….we got off but there was no1 2 tell us wat we needed, & I was damned hungry!!! So I decided 2 juz call silkair later instead, so we went 4 our lunch…
But tis morn, when I called silkair, I learnt tt I nded 2 go down 2 their sales office in keypoint 2 get e documentation tt e flight was delayed…wah lau…& their opening hrs only on wkdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked if they cld email or send it via snail mail or anything, but apparently it was not possible, & I had 2 go down personally 2 collect!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah lau….i really 1ed 2 ask e ABNN 2 F*** off….so damned pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I wrote a super long complaint letter on their feedback & enquiries page…hopefully they’ll get bk 2 me soon…otherwise I’m gg send in 2 e newspapers 2 tell e whole world abt e super poor service….;p
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
1st day on cocotinos..
juz had our dinner...& now inside e computer room blogging..
there's only 5 guests (including us) in total at cocotinos!!!
did a check-out dive juz now...not bad!!! a pair of ghostpipe...diff lionfishes, big small, white, black, orange...watever color u 1...haha...scorpionfishes..not bad not bad...
but now oredi a little slpy...after e dive, went 4 a little swim in e pool...so relaxing..hahah...e room also v nice...ahaha...
luckily 2day was super sunny..was raining rather heavily when e plane landed...luckily sunny when we arrive at e resort...
pray hard 4 gd weather tmr!!!
there's only 5 guests (including us) in total at cocotinos!!!
did a check-out dive juz now...not bad!!! a pair of ghostpipe...diff lionfishes, big small, white, black, orange...watever color u 1...haha...scorpionfishes..not bad not bad...
but now oredi a little slpy...after e dive, went 4 a little swim in e pool...so relaxing..hahah...e room also v nice...ahaha...
luckily 2day was super sunny..was raining rather heavily when e plane landed...luckily sunny when we arrive at e resort...
pray hard 4 gd weather tmr!!!
Monday, March 02, 2009
maroon 5...it's beta tt we....
i really like tis quote that poh ya put in her blog taken fr benjamin buttons:
At the end, Benjamin Button's letter to his daughter: For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
i hope to have the strength 2 overcome my fears..i know i hurted u alot...is it juz silly fears??? i dun 've an answer...no matter how hard i try 2 tink...
At the end, Benjamin Button's letter to his daughter: For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
i hope to have the strength 2 overcome my fears..i know i hurted u alot...is it juz silly fears??? i dun 've an answer...no matter how hard i try 2 tink...
countdown 2 manado...& 2 my new handicrafts...
another 2 more days & i'll b in manado.. tink i'll put off any travelling plans until after my contract gets renewed...actually quite tired fr e travelling haha...
tcc gave me e manual hand sewing machine..tink i shall start using it after i come bk..there r quite a lot o interesting things i've been 1ing 2 make..mayb i shld really consider doin it soon..=)
tcc gave me e manual hand sewing machine..tink i shall start using it after i come bk..there r quite a lot o interesting things i've been 1ing 2 make..mayb i shld really consider doin it soon..=)
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