Thursday, January 11, 2007


seriously i cant really rememb any...i know theoretically every1 will dream when they slp...but i dunno if i'm really tt tired...most o e nites i dun recall any dreams at i was really "surprised" tt jan cld have so many u log down all ur dreams jan??

1 comment:

杏 cy (Jancy) said...

sometimes i wake up fr my dreams and then, the fragments of it are still fresh in my mind, so, i log it down in my handphone, whh is beside my bed thruout the nite. realised it gets betta with practice, as with most things. the more i try to recall, the easier it will be to recall parts of it, albeit non-chronologically. but once i get the big pieces of the puzzle, can repiece the dream, tho incomplete lah. hee quite fun...