Monday, July 12, 2004


suddenly feel all excited....mayb it's e coffee tt i juz had....i'm a bit jittery abt tmr's sign lang class.....still comtemplating if i'm gg on 2 e next level....& i'll get my results fr last wk's grading results.....thu new pilates class....must b e coffee...i get hyper whenever i have 2 much coffee.....hyper hyper hyper......feeling my brain go numb again......coffeee...i shld cut down on it......& all e sinful things tt i've bee gorging myself wif.......numb again.....i beta go 've my brain scanned....shld i do a fMRI or CAT scan?? any suggestions?? wat's e diff......

1 comment:

bionic said...

fMRI produces images of activated brain regions by detecting the indirect effects of neural activity on local blood volume, flow, and oxygen saturation.
The fMRI technique is mostly used in research on normal brain functioning.

MRI is a noninvasive imaging technique that does not use x-rays (unlike CAT scan). The process involves passing a strong magnetic field through the head. MRI is used as an imaging technique because of the very detailed pictures of anatomy that can be achieved. It is especially helpful in diagnosing tumors or other abnormalities of the tissue in the brain and spinal cord.

A CAT scan is one of the two most employed methods (along with MRI) for visualizing the brain and evaluating possible intracranial abnormalities.A scan may be beneficial for finding tumors and abnormalities within the brain, to monitor the effects of surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy on brain tumors, to detect possible blood clots after head injury, or to check the brain's function.
(Quoted fr